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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Going in

I wrote in July about how I hurt my back.

The update: it got better, then it got worse. This has not been such a fun couple of weeks.

I watched the election standing up -- I actually can't sit down for more than about 3 minutes at a time these days, because I get this lightning bolt of pain down my leg. There's a disc where it shouldn't be and 2 small fractures and... blurgh.

Anyway, this morning I am going in to get some medical stuff done. I am no fan of such things. But I hope to get through it quickly, smoothly, with terrific style and finesse or at least no troubles -- and be back at work before Thanksgiving. Okay, maybe right after.

It's been such a crazy-busy season, with both my boys applying to their next level of schools along with everything else going on (elections, family celebrations, storms, wars, climate change, sex scandals) and more books of mine being published than in any other year so far -- and more books due, as well (and I don't just mean to the library, though, whoops, there is ALWAYS that as well.) I am ambitious to get back to it all.

So -- until soon. Wish me luck, and I'll wish you some right back. We're all on rough roads sometimes; let's keep an eye out for one another and also the lovely surprises we might miss if we're not determined to witness them.


Rachel Vail

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