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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Charlie's Most Embarrassing Kisses

Today is your last day to enter (here, on my facebook page, or on twitter, with #kissmeagain) your 6-word memoir of your Most Embarrassing Kiss!

I have been reading the hilarious and pithy entries, and it got me thinking: how would Charlie, the main character and narrator of both IF WE KISS and the about-to-be-published KISS ME AGAIN, answer this challenge?

She has so many embarrassing kisses to chose from.

So here are SIX 6-word Most Embarrassing Kiss memoirs of Charlie Collins:
(note: these do NOT appear in the books! They are subtext, though...)

From IF WE KISS time:

Spit out gum; busted by Vice-Principal

Outside, shivering; came inside -- still shivering

Denied it happened until too late

From KISS ME AGAIN: (trying not to include any spoilers!)

Didn't realize that's what was happening!

Said "no" but meant "not yet"

So awesome... until we were caught

And one bonus one, not really embarrassing in the kissing -- but excruciatingly embarrassing to be feeling this, for Charlie, during KISS ME AGAIN:

Kiss me like never again, again.

Now it's your turn!!!

Rachel Vail

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