It's my mom's birthday today.
She's probably the kindest person I know. I love how willing she is to have her mind changed about most things, how non-defensively open she is to new ideas, how positively she chooses to look at everything - and everybody. My husband calls her the Master of Unconditional Positive Regard -- and when my kids imitate her (they are dead-on mimics, not always the most welcome of skills I have to admit) they say "Oh! That's wonderful! You are so terrific!"
She is also, like her fictional grandson Justin Case, quite the worrier. Until last summer, she had never been on a trampoline and certainly never planned to be on one. She hates jiggling movements, gets extraordinarily anxious when she doesn't have stable ground under her feet, and is not a fan, to say the least, of jumping. But her grandsons said, "Come on, Grandma!" So she came on. She squealed and screamed and gripped her hands tight in fists -- but she even, eventually, jumped. Hanging on to her grandsons. And her courage. And her endless enthusiasm.
Happy birthday, Mom.
Happy belated birthday! Rachel, you must do something wonderful for her (and for yourself!) this Mother's Day. :)