Review: Piggy Bunny by Rachel Vail
Liam does not want to be a pig when he grows up, even though he’s a piglet. Instead, Liam wants to be the Easter Bunny. Liam even practiced his bunny skills: hopping, eating salad, and delivering eggs. But they didn’t work out too well. His family thought that he should just admit he was a pig and move on. But then his grandmother said that they didn’t have the imagination to see him as a rabbit and that he needed a bunny suit to have them see it. Unfortunately, the bunny suit doesn’t fit quite right, one ear doesn’t stand up straight, and it itches. But when Liam looks in the mirror, all of that is forgotten, because he sees — the Easter Bunny!
Vail has created an Easter book that will have appeal far beyond that holiday. It’s a book about a child with a dream that others can’t even visualize and that child creating it in a way that lets others share his vision. That solid message is packaged in a very friendly, light-hearted package with lots of appeal. Her writing is sprightly and fun-filled, inviting children to put on costumes and try new identities.
A large part of the appeal of the book are the illustrations. Done in thick lines and bright, candy-colored backgrounds, the illustrations are filled with energy and humor.
A pig in a bunny suit that is as cute as this one will have this book off of library shelves in no time. Add in the solid storyline and you have a winning Easter book. Appropriate for ages 3-5.
Reviewed from copy received from Feiwel and Friends.
Note: It's from