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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

On Banning and Burning Books

Here's what I think:

If you don't want to read a book, don't. If it's too late and you've already read it and it was not your cup of tea, you don't have to ban or burn it -- just don't recommend it. There are definitely some books I disliked so much I even recommend that friends NOT read them. I don't like eating brisket, so I don't eat it. And I really don't recommend you eat brisket either. Yuck. But do I go around banning or burning brisket? NO! Well, okay, other than that piece of brisket this past Saturday. But that was an accident.

SPEAK by Laurie Halse Anderson, on the other hand, I highly recommend.


What do you think?

Rachel Vail


  1. This was one of the books who changed me as a teenager. Who made me feel I was not alone. I haven't been raped, thank God, but I do have felt indeed an outcast, I do have felt my family was falling apart. This book changed me not only as a reader or as a writer, but also as a person.

    Banning books is the first step towards totalitarism. Books make you think. Books are there to be criticized, to be liked, to be disliked, loved, hated. But not to be banned, because, otherwise, people cannot comment on their opinions, exchange them, discuss. Banning books is banning topics of conversation, condemning them to silence.

    And, as this book states, we should all SPEAK.


  2. Well said!! :D Though personally, I love brisket.

