Happy Valentine's Day!
Is it a happy day or a stressful one for you?
I am going to spend most of today in my apartment, revising my current book. My tortoise seems unfazed by having only me, and dandelion greens, as his valentine treats. I made a special breakfast for my boys -- eggs cooked inside the heart-shaped cookie mold, then placed on buttered toast -- so they could go to school feeling like they had already gotten valentined. They, however, seemed similarly unfazed by the day and it's possible pitfalls. That makes me feel very lucky, as a mom. Because I remember some rough ones, and have listened to enough stories to feel the tension that forced merriment, assumed romance, pressures of flirtation and coupling can add to a person's day.
(Apparently, not a tortoise's, however.)
Anyway, a request and then two promises:
The request is that you maybe look around for somebody who is a bit awkward, and reach out to him or her. I love some people who have never had an easy time making a friend or even having a casual conversation, and honestly, it is not easy to be with them sometimes. Their company can sometimes feel like quicksand, and it's just easier sometimes to avoid getting sucked in. But I am going to request, of you and of myself, that we find somebody who might not be so smooth to hang with, and wish them a happy day, ask how they're doing, give them a few minutes and a smile, some company. Even an email. I know it's now a common trope to mock the requirement to make a damned valentine for each of the 22 or 28 or 31 kids in the elementary school class -- what a pain, and how meaningless! -- but think for a moment about being that kid who gets one crumpled card while the others get dozens, or to be the one who gets none.
Robert Rummel-Hudson writes beautifully and with searing honesty about the topic
I am going to email somebody I love right now. Hold on. I'll be right back.
Okay, I'm back.
Now for the promises:
One is that since today is not just Valentine's Day but also the publication day for PIGGY BUNNY, I am going to give away a signed copy. I'll chose a winner (actually 1 winner for every 25 signer uppers, so your odds stay good) at random at lunch today. All you have to do, to enter, is type PIGGY BUNNY in the comments below.
And of course if you choose to buy one at your local bookstore, or order a copy online, from
Amazon or
Bank Street Bookstore -- that would be great, too! Because in celebration of pub day, I will donate to
First Book in the honor of each person who buys a copy of one of my books today -- and also anyone who shares a copy of the
PIGGY BUNNY trailer on a facebook page or website or blog. So please let me know if you do!

The other promise: when I go out today, I will have candies in my pockets, to share. Hope I'll see you around...
The book I am revising is a sequel to my book
IF WE KISS, after all. This seems, to me, on theme.
Though I believe chocolate needs no justification, really.
Finally, don't overthink:
XKCD Valentine Dilemma
Much love, today and always,
Rachel Vail